International Yoga Day : KapalBhati

Kapalbhati and its Benefits

Kapalbhati is said to have distinct mental, physical and spiritual benefits -

1. The breathing technique involves "active exhalation and passive inhalation". During inhalation the stomach sinks in and vice-versa during exhaling. This stomach movement is therefore beneficial for the muscles around it, including that of the liver and pancreas. The blood flow to these areas also increases.

2. It aids digestion and removal of acidity and gas related problems.

3. Regular practice of kapalbhati is also beneficial for belly fat loss.

4. The technique involves forceful breathing which strengthens lungs and increases its capacity

5. It also increases blood supply to various parts of the body.

6. It activates the body and removes lethargy. Facial radiance is a natural benefit as the name suggests.

7. It activates the brain cells and improves memory and concentration power.

8. Kapalbhati is great for focus and checks forgetfulness.

9. "Kapalbhati has spiritual paybacks as well. It activates the chakras in the body and helps in achieving a higher, greater awakening,"


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