
Showing posts from 2018

Burns : Prehospital care


Interfacility Transfers of critically ill patients


EMS Protocol : What is the current status in India


Advanced Airway management in Trauma

What is Emergency Medicine ??


Airway Management in Polytrauma patients

Image <iframe src="//" width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="//" title="Airway management in polytrauma " target="_blank">Airway management in polytrauma </a> </strong> from <strong><a href="//" target="_blank">Dr.Venugopalan Poovathum Parambil</a></strong> </div>

Orange Mittai: The Life of an EMT

Orange Mittayee: A Tamil movie has well portrayed the life of being an Emergency medical care technician and the movie is explored every minute aspect of the emotions and reality. Movie stared by Vijay Sethupathi, Ramesh Thilak, Aashritha etc. The movie was produced by Vijay Sethupathi himself. This movie is a tribute to the entire EMTs in India. If you have not seen it, must see it and streams now in Netflix

Burns : Pre Hospital care


Pharmacist alumni meet and Emergency Medical Care

How many of our Alumni meet to think about to organize life support training as one of the agendas in the program?? Very less or almost nil. Today I have instrumental in providing hands-on training to 80 (Pharmacists) Alumni members of National College of pharmacy through Aster Volunteers and get together was arranged in Rain country resorts, Lakkidi, Wayanad. They have their celebrations in the resort. They also found a needy training session. We don't know to whom, when and where someone needs life-saving efforts. When looking back, this awareness is commendable

Deccan wrote


ETS : Principle and Practice

Sometimes : Sila Samayangalil

Image Sometimes is a beautiful Priyadarsan movie streaming in Netflix since 2016. I watched it recently. Very sharply framed storyboard which portrayed most realistically. The Story based on seven people coming to a lab for HIV testing. The movie tells many things to us. It not only tells us about the dreaded disease AIDS but also reveal professionalism in healthcare. The highly impressive direction of the movie and its craftsmanship made it a different experience. First to last fame is live realistic and it will take us into the film. Priyan showed us again, and just a room is more than enough to create a movie of great value. The movie is in Tamil with English subtitles. But to enjoy and understand the film, language is not a barrier. The presentation is so vivid and realistic. The actors like Prakash Raj, Shreya Reddy, Ashok Selvan and others not acting in the movie.  They are passionately live in the scenes.

Drugs and Toxins induced seizures in Emergency departments

Seizures are the outward manifestation of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. • Direct intoxication from known poisons or psychotropic drugs, withdrawal from medications or alcohol, or idiosyncratic reactions to pharmaceuticals cause seizure  • Toxin changes in brain chemistry • Promote aberrant electro-cerebral responses which cause seizures • Drug- and toxin-associated seizures (DTSs) differ in etiology but may demonstrate DTS- How it differs? • Postictal state - confused • Ongoing electrical, subclinical status epilepticus • Continuous display electrical activities in the brain even after cessation of convulsion • Aura - unlikely • Features of partial seizure-like lateralized gaze and head deviation are rare

My students are my wealth and my investments

Dr. Harsha: wrote to me another young doctor traveling in the Career path in EM. Even if the personal message, I am sharing it because, yes it is needed “Good Afternoon sir, Hope you are doing well Dr. Harsha from astermedcity here ... I got my ST4 training job in the UK. I wanted to thank you for everything. The letter, the guidance, for having trusted in me to run the department at aster Med, all of that immensely contributed to my success in the interview. Can’t thank you enough sir. Please do keep me in your prayers always" Dr. Lajees h wrote today to me: A true reflection of our high fidelity training in EM and it tell us how young doctors are navigating through EM profession. “Hello, sir...Lajeesh r u? Just wanted to share a happy news with u...i 've got selection for higher specialist training in Emergency medicine here in a post in London itself..3 years of training....need your blessings...I wouldn’t have come so far without your suppor

Road accidents and driving safety


Road show full version


Glasgow Coma Scale What is new? Dr.Venugopalan P P Director and Lead consultant in Emergency Medicine Aster DM Healthcare. - ppt download

Glasgow Coma Scale What is new? Dr.Venugopalan P P Director and Lead consultant in Emergency Medicine Aster DM Healthcare. - ppt download : “The Glasgow Coma Scale is an integral part of clinical practice and research across the World. The experience gained since it was first described in 1974 has advanced the assessment of the Scale through the development of a modern structured approach with improved accuracy, reliability, and communication in its use.” Sir Graham Teasdale Emeritus Professor of Neurosurgery University of Glasgow

Combitube insertion


Road accidents in Kerala : Where should we focus ??

ഒരു പാട് ബോധവത്കരണ പരിപാടികൾ ഒക്കെ നടക്കുന്നുണ്ടെങ്കിലും കേരളത്തിലെ റോഡ് അപകടങ്ങളുടെ നിരക്കിൽ കാര്യമായ ഒരു കുറവ് വരുത്താൻ നമ്മുക്കായിട്ടില്ല . സ്റ്റേറ്റ് പോലീസിന്റെ വെബ്സൈറ്റിലെ കണക്കുകൾ ഇവിടെ ചേർക്കാം. 2017 ൽ റോഡ് അപകടങ്ങളിലും മരണനിരക്കിലും ഒരു നേരിയ കുറവ് ഉണ്ടായിട്ടുണ്ട് എന്നത് ആശാവഹമാണെങ്കിലും നാം , ഇനിയും ഒരുപാടു മുന്നോട്ടു പോകേണ്ടതെയിട്ടുണ്ട് . റോഡ് അപകടങ്ങളുടെ കാരണം പലതാകാം . എന്നാൽ പോലീസിന്റെ തന്നെ കണക്കിൽ കാണിക്കുന്നത് വളരെ പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട ഒരു കാര്യമാണ് .  86 ശതമാനം കേസുകളിലും ഡ്രൈവറുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടുള്ള കാര്യങ്ങളാണ് അപകടങ്ങൾക്കും മരണങ്ങൾക്കും മറ്റു ദുരവസ്ഥക്കും കാരണം . അപകടത്തിൽ പെടുന്നവരിൽ സിംഹഭാഗവും ചെറുപ്പക്കാരും അതിൽ തന്നെ നല്ലൊരു ശതമാനം ഇരുചക്ര വാഹനക്കാരും കാല്നടക്കാരുമാണ് . ഈ നിരീക്ഷണങ്ങൾക്ക് വലിയ പ്രാധാന്യമുണ്ട് .കാരണം അത് പൂർണമായും തടയാവുന്നതാണ് , ഒഴിവാക്കാവുന്നതാണ് . ഡ്രൈവറുമായ ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടുള്ള അപകട കാരണങ്ങൾ പലതാണ് . അശ്രദ്ധയോടെ ഉള്ള ഡ്രൈവിംഗ് , മദ്യം ലഹരി എന്നിവ ഉപയോഗിച്ചു വണ്ടി ഓടിക്കുന്നത് , മൊബൈൽ ഫോണിൽ സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടുള്ള ഡ്രൈവിംഗ് ,അമിതാവേശവും മത്സരബുദ്ധിയോടെ

86 percent of Kerala road accidents are driver driven!!

Recent accident with Balabaskar: child died. Balabaskar and wife are critical. Likely driver slept. 2017 -18 statistics on road accidents in Kerala by Kerala police: 86 percent of total accidents and mortality are purely driver driven. Only 14 percent cause rest of the causes. If we focus on drivers only we can bring down RTA and deaths plus morbidity by more than 80 percent. Everyone should think loudly Further on this note, the injury pattern described in the newspaper pointing towards the compulsory seat belt for back seat passengers and separate seat belt for children. Indian laws insisted the same following Union minister Gopinath Mundai’s accident in Delhi. Unfortunately, the "brilliance" of Kerala state Government locked the rule in Kerala high court (During Thrivanjiyoor Days). The present ministry is also seemly not much concerned about thi

GCS : What is new ?


Snake bite management : Practice guideline in Indian Scenario


The Career pathways in Emergency medicine

Image The Presentation was given in Amri Hospital Bhuvaneswar

Disaster tourism a note by Unnithan Road safety authority

What a very bad habit we are following.  Disaster tourism?.  When the whole state is in a fear of a natural disaster,  people are enjoining with selfy at some of the dangerous spots.  Heard people screaming with joy when the dam shutter was opened. It was opened in a situation where unexpected rain fall almost filled the dam.  All efforts were made to avoid opening it considering flood,  loss of money, and thousands of people who will be affected when such emergency situation arises.  It is not a monkeys play to handle a alarming rise of water which was not at all foreseen because a sudden wave rise in Orissa seas was unpredicted. No human being can enjoy a disaster in such a barbaric way we kerala public behaved.   As said earlier all teams including central disaster management  team were ready to tackle any emergency. Flood and calamities are not able to predict hundred percent.  When shutters were opened all areas where paddy fields and wet land were destroyed by us by building hous

Acute Abdominal pain evaluation in ED

Acute Abdominal Pain evaluation in ED

Angels honours volunteers


Angels support in Nipah virus outbreaks in Calicut

*എയ്ഞ്ചൽസിന്റെ നിപ്പാ അനുഭവവും ചില വിലയിരുത്തലുകളും.*   *കോഴിക്കോട്ടെ സ്വകാര്യ ആംബുലൻസുകളുടെ നിപ്പാ യാത്രയും,*   *(തയ്യാറാക്കിയത്- ഡോക്ടർ അജിൽ അബ്ദുള്ള)*   *കോഴിക്കോട്ടെ സ്വകാര്യ ആംബുലൻസുകളുടെ നിപ്പാ യാത്ര* ഇരുപത്തി അഞ്ചിനും ഇരുപത്തി ആറിനും നിപ്പാ രോഗം സ്ഥിരീകരിച്ചവരുമായി അടുത്തിടപഴകിയ മൂന്ന് പേരെ മെഡിക്കൽ കോളേജിലേക്ക് കൊണ്ടുപോയി. അവിടെ തുടങ്ങുന്നു എയ്ഞ്ചൽസിന്റെ കോർഡിനേഷനോട് കൂടി കോഴിക്കോട്ടെ സ്വകാര്യ ആംബുലൻസുകളുടെ നിപ്പാ യാത്ര.   *മൃതദേഹങ്ങൾ ശ്‌മശാനത്തിലേക്ക് കൊണ്ട് പോകാൻ*  o    ഇരുപത്തി ആറാം തിയതി വൈകുന്നേരം വന്ന ഡെപ്യൂട്ടി കളക്ടർ ശ്രീ. കൃഷ്ണൻകുട്ടിയുടെ ഫോൺ കോൾ. അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ സങ്കടത്തോടെയുള്ള ‘ഒരു മരണമുണ്ട്’ നമ്മുടെ കല്യാണിയമ്മ, ഒരു ആംബുലൻസ് വേണം എന്ന വാക്കുകൾ . പിന്നെ ഞാനും ജസ്ലി റഹ്മാനും വിളികൾ തുടങ്ങി. അവസാനം വിളി പുരുഷുവേട്ടനിലെത്തി. പുരുഷു, നമുക്ക് മെഡിക്കൽ കോളേജിൽ നിന്ന് ഒരു മൃതദേഹം ശ്മശാനത്തിലേക്ക് കൊണ്ട് പോകാനുണ്ട്. ഇന്ന് നിപ്പ കാരണം മരണപ്പെട്ട കല്യാണിയമ്മയുടേതാണത്. പതിനഞ്ചോളം ആംബുലൻസുകളെ വിളിച്ചു, പക്ഷെ ആരും തയ്യാറല്ല. വേറെ ഒരു ചോദ്യവും ഇല്ലാതെ ഞാൻ വേഗം തന്നെ എത്താമെന്ന് ഏയ

Angels received honour from health minister


GW Masters in Emergency medicine :Convocation

Notes from Sweta Gidwani GW Masters in Emergency Medicine exit exam and convocation at MMH Madurai . This is the amazing impact of a 10yr partnership between several EM leaders in India, visionary hospital's and a bunch of International EM folk/ friends who care deeply about quality education, training & capacity building in India! Having just finished 3 gruelling days of testing for this years 82 graduates, I can proudly say that the calibre of these young EM doctors is world class - and they are having a huge impact on patients right across the country!

Angels received honor

Angels received honor and appreciation from Chief minister for providing exclusive Ambulance support for nipah infected patients . Dr Ajil Abdulla , Medical director received the memento for Angels

Keraleeyam :a musical theatre Musical theatre presented in IMA Kozhikode 

Kattipara landslide : Medical camp in Relief camps
