
Showing posts from September, 2018

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Glasgow Coma Scale What is new? Dr.Venugopalan P P Director and Lead consultant in Emergency Medicine Aster DM Healthcare. - ppt download

Glasgow Coma Scale What is new? Dr.Venugopalan P P Director and Lead consultant in Emergency Medicine Aster DM Healthcare. - ppt download : “The Glasgow Coma Scale is an integral part of clinical practice and research across the World. The experience gained since it was first described in 1974 has advanced the assessment of the Scale through the development of a modern structured approach with improved accuracy, reliability, and communication in its use.” Sir Graham Teasdale Emeritus Professor of Neurosurgery University of Glasgow

Combitube insertion


Road accidents in Kerala : Where should we focus ??

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86 percent of Kerala road accidents are driver driven!!

Recent accident with Balabaskar: child died. Balabaskar and wife are critical. Likely driver slept. 2017 -18 statistics on road accidents in Kerala by Kerala police: 86 percent of total accidents and mortality are purely driver driven. Only 14 percent cause rest of the causes. If we focus on drivers only we can bring down RTA and deaths plus morbidity by more than 80 percent. Everyone should think loudly Further on this note, the injury pattern described in the newspaper pointing towards the compulsory seat belt for back seat passengers and separate seat belt for children. Indian laws insisted the same following Union minister Gopinath Mundai’s accident in Delhi. Unfortunately, the "brilliance" of Kerala state Government locked the rule in Kerala high court (During Thrivanjiyoor Days). The present ministry is also seemly not much concerned about thi

GCS : What is new ?


Snake bite management : Practice guideline in Indian Scenario


The Career pathways in Emergency medicine

Image The Presentation was given in Amri Hospital Bhuvaneswar