
Teaser release

International Yoga Day ( Yoga at Home) : Padma matsyasana

Benefits of Padma Matsyasana / Fish In Lotus Pose Relieves stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue. Improves your lung capacity. Stretches your neck, chest, lungs, abdomen, knees and ankles. Massages your abdominal organs. Stretches and strengthens your back muscles. Stimulates your spine. Activates your Chakras / energy  points . Increases blood flow to your head. Recommended for people with Asthma, Thyroid and Anxiety

International Yoga Day ( Yoga at Home ) : Merudendasana & Pavanamukthasana

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana Pawanmuktasana heals stomach organ to proper flow prana in Manipura Chakra. Well, Body has many Chakras and  NADIS   and  3rd chakra is  Manipura chakra from  7 major chakras  which work for digestions systems. Tones the muscles in the legs and arms. Make strengthen the spinal column and neck muscles. Relieves constipation. Digestion power is also promoted. Increase blood circulation. Reduce fats the abdomen, ham, and buttocks. Toxins are also removed. Helps the potential energy of the back and neck. Strengthens the body and increase the fluctuations.

International Yoga Day : Sarvangasana and Halasana ( Yoga at Home )

Sarvangasana Benefits Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression Stimulates the thyroid and prostate glands and abdominal organs Stretches the shoulders and neck Tones the legs and buttocks Improves digestion Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause Reduces fatigue and alleviates insomnia Therapeutic for asthma, infertility, and sinusitis Halasana-Benefits  Calms the brain. Stimulates the abdominal organs and the thyroid gland. Stretches the shoulders and spine. Relieve the symptoms of menopause. Reduces stress and fatigue. Therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia, sinusitis

International Yoga Day : Ardha Matsyaendrasana ( Yoga at Home)

Health Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana: Increases the elasticity of the spine, tones the spinal nerves and improves the functioning of the spinal cord. Stretches the muscles on one side of the body whilst compressing the muscles on the other side. Relieves back pain and stiffness from between the vertebrae. Useful for slipped disc. Massages the abdominal organs and increases the digestive juices making it useful for loss of appetite and constipation. Useful for diabetics, with concentration on the pancreas. Regulates the secretion of bile and adrenaline. Relieves tension that may have built up in the back from forward and back bending asanas. Opens the chest and increases the oxygen supply to the lungs. Loosens the hip joints, relieving stiffness. Releases tension in the arms, shoulders, upper back and neck. Increases purification of the blood as well as the internal organs. Improves round shoulders.

International Yoga Day ( Yoga at Home ) : Marjarasan( Cat Stretch )

Makes the spine flexible. Improves  digestion  by massaging digestive organs. Improves blood circulation. Relaxes the mind. Strengthens arms, wrists, and shoulders. Stretches back and abdominal muscles. Helps relieve a backache.

International Yoga Day 2020: Suryanamaskar - Sun Salutation

12 Steps of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Surya Namaskar  (Sun Salutation) is composed of 12 different postures.  1. Pranamasana  (Prayer Pose) Pranamasana  is the first posture in the yoga sequence. To accomplish this pose, stand upright on your mat and ensure that your feet are placed close to each other. Next, take a deep breath, expand your chest and relax your shoulder. During inhalation, raise your arms from the side and while exhaling join both your palms together as if you are praying. The prayer posture or first salutation is complete. 2. Hasta Uttanasana  (Raised Arms Pose) Ensure that your palms are joined together, just like in the previous prayer pose. Take a deep breath, lift your arms and slightly bent backward. Your biceps must stay close to your ears. 3. Hasta Padasana  (Standing Forward Bend Pose) Breathe out and bend forward from your waist. Try to touch the floor with your hands. However, ensure that your spine remains straight. While performing this pose, you sho