
International Yoga Day : Vajrasana

Benefits  Enhances blood circulation in the lower abdomen improving digestion. If you sit in Vajrasana after food, food gets digested well. Relieves excessive gas trouble or pain. Nerves of legs and thighs are strengthened. Makes knee and ankle joints flexible and prevents certain rheumatic diseases. In Vajrasana, the spine is erect without much effort.  It is also beneficial for practice of pranayam and as a preparatory for meditation Contraindications Acute trouble or stiffness in foot, ankle and knees. Slip disc conditions. Those who have difficulty in movement should practice this asana with a lot of care

International Yoga Day : Pranayama

Oxygen is energy for your vital organs, including your brain and nerves. Improves sleep quality. The stress-relieving effects of  pranayama  may also help you sleep. ... Increases mindfulness. For many of us, breathing is automatic. ... Reduces high blood pressure. ... Enhances cognitive performance.

International Yoga Day : KapalBhati

Kapalbhati and its Benefits Kapalbhati is said to have distinct mental, physical and spiritual benefits - 1. The  breathing  technique involves "active exhalation and passive inhalation". During inhalation the  stomach  sinks in and vice-versa during exhaling. This stomach movement is therefore beneficial for the muscles around it, including that of the liver and pancreas. The  blood  flow to these areas also increases. 2. It aids  digestion  and removal of acidity and gas related problems. 3. Regular practice of kapalbhati is also beneficial for  belly  fat loss. 4. The technique involves forceful breathing which strengthens  lungs  and increases its capacity 5. It also increases blood supply to various parts of the body. 6. It activates the body and removes lethargy.  Facial  radiance is a natural benefit as the name suggests. 7. It activates the  brain  cells and improves memory and concentration power. 8. Kapalbhati is great for focus and checks forgetfulness. 9. "Ka

International Yoga day 2020 : Sukhasana

Sukhasana Benefits  Gradually strengthens muscles of the back and improves body posture. Being a meditative pose it has relaxing effects on the mind and body. Works as a preparatory pose for more difficult meditative poses. Builds physical and mental balance. Helpful in reducing stress and anxiety

Medical Interactive Session

An Amazing interview with Rishiraj Singh IPS

World Emergency Medicine Day - Radio Talk in Red FM 93.5
