DrVenu's Broadcasts

RSI is a process to be executed with extreme caution and precaution. It can be the potential minefield for many airway disasters. The agents used in RSI is highly potent and potential for dangerous complications. RSI in ER may likely to cause errors in execution. The in depth knowledge of drugs using RSI is absolutely essential. The drugs must be handled by doctors only and faculty supervision is mandatory. Once a drug administrator through IV route means it is similar to throwing a stone. No way to get back. So what is needed is double caution . Follow safe practice. Follow syringe protocol while performing RSI. Load depolarising agents like Scoline in 2cc syringe, non Depolarizing Angents like Vecuronium in 5cc syringes and Induction agents like Etomidate , Propofol etc in 10cc syringes. Lebel it appropriate way and check three times before its administration. If you are not following it ,kindly follow this now onwards 


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